Split pea soup doesn't take much work and is done in about an hour. If you don't have a leftover ham bone, a ham shank or even a smoked turkey leg will work.
- 2 cups green split peas, washed
- ham bone with some meat
- 6 cups water
- 3 or 4 carrots, diced
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- salt & pepper
- Put all ingredients in a large soup pan, covering as much of the ham as possible with the water.
- Cover and bring to a boil. Simmer, stirring occasionally to bring the peas off the bottom of the pan.
- After about 45 minutes, remove the ham and let it cool about 15 minutes while the soup still simmers.
- Whir the soup with an immersion blender.
- Cut the remaining ham off the bone and add it back to the soup.
- Add salt & pepper to taste.

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